Problem: In the world of luxury fashion there is little to almost zero representation of people of color. There have been many incidents of racism in the past from brands such as Gucci and Prada. Gucci released a sweater during black history month which closely resembles black face while Prada created a Black Sambo bag charm which also depicts black face. These are just two examples of popular brands that are not inclusive of today’s diverse world. It is 10 times harder for a person of color to work in the fashion industry and be in a position of power such as creative director. This issue falls under a web of problems that don’t just include race but people of different body types, genders, and sexuality.
Solution: To combat the multiple fashion brands in the market, creating a fashion house that celebrates diversity and uniqueness would solve this issue. This fashion house would not be creating its own designs instead it will be showcasing designs made by designers who come from different and diverse backgrounds. Through Genesis designers will be able to showcase their fashion designs and break into the industry and have their culture, identity, and voice heard
Designer Info
Islam Mahrouss