Problem: About 1 in 5 women and 1 in 7 men report having intimate partner abuse and/or domestic violence in their lifetime. Mental, emotional, and physical abuse within a partnership is a form of Intimate partner abuse and/or domestic abuse. Being able to leave an abusive environment can be very difficult but seeking help is the only way out. Survivors can experience mental health problems such as PTSD which leads to further problems when forming relationships such as feeling detached from other people, having a lot of anger, and having difficulty handling emotions. The cost of Intimate partner abuse over a victim’s lifetime is $103,767 for women and $23,414 for men.
The Solution: A national non-profit organization. My goal is to share methods that my therapist has shared with me to heal with others. I want to bring awareness to relationship PTSD because many people may think PTSD is something only veterans suffer from. Relationship PTSD can affect anybody.
Designer Info
Kevelyn Vargas